IHC 4-4-0 as NWP 8

I’ve always loved NWP number 8 as shown in this 1915 view below.


I’d like to try to use this IHC 4-4-0 Old Time American as a starting point to model NWP 8.

IHC N.Y.N.H. & H 4-4-0

These models have been around since the 1970’s and have tender drive. They’ve been sold under several names (IHC, Rivarossi, AHM, and Pocher). They are not really HO scale (3.5 mm = 1 foot) but rather are OO scale (4.0 mm = 1 foot, running on HO track). So why use them? I bought 3 on sale for around $30 each and I used to have one when I was a kid so I’m interested in seeing how good a model I can make based on this chassis.

This particular model has an updated pilot with a knuckle coupler (a dummy as shipped) and a straight, albeit not plain, stack.

I’ll start with a design sketch to get an idea what the model would look like. I took the photo of the stock engine above and placed it on a lighted tracing table.

Picture 007

Then I taped a sheet of paper on this and traced out the engine. The cab, headlight, and tender are embellished with the changes needed to bring the appearance closer to NWP 8.

Picture 006

Note that I copied the model, warts and all. This will be a drawing of the model based on an IHC chassis, not a drawing of a real engine.

Picture 005

As I sketched in changes I referred to my picture of NWP 8.

The proposed cab will be larger, metal, and pushed forward a bit. I also drew in an air compressor interrupting the walkway, a generator in front of the steam dome, and engine brakes between the drivers.

Picture 003

The most significant change I’m planning is to lower the forward frame. As a digital drawing it was trivial to cut and paste the frame about a scale foot lower. The final drawing shows that these changes will yield an attractive engine.

IHC 4-4-0 as NWP 8

3 Responses to “Modeling Northwestern Pacific locomotives part 2: Modeling NWP 8”

  1. Mike Skonicki Says:

    Hello Dan,

    Great website. I am building the San Juan Central “Exactly” as Furlow’s layout, but modified to have min. 18″ radius. Almost bought the SJC from Jim Powell in Cleaveland, but Getz beat me to it.
    Also into Physics (Plasma), I’m on the US International Team to build the first “Fusion” reactor in France..Adios

  2. Rob Says:

    Hi Dan,

    Nice blog! Lots of good information and I really like all of the old pictures!


  3. Miles Says:

    Any chance of an update on the kitbash? It’s too interesting to leave un-updated for so long!